What to Expect on your first visit

  • We will ask you for a detailed history to understand all facets of why you are here and establish what you want to achieve through care

  • Based on your history we will perform a thorough examination of your stability and functional movement patterns.

    We will test strength and endurance and try to replicate your symptoms to ascertain an accurate diagnosis

  • Following your history and exam we will discuss the diagnosis that we have established.

    In some incidences, we may need to refer for imaging.

    The better you understand your diagnosis the more likely we are to have a positive outcome

    We will then discuss your goals and establish a plan on how we will achieve them

  • We treat on the first visit in the majority of cases. In the rare case where imaging is required or that the patient has a complex case, treatment will likely occur on the second visit

    We use a variety of treatment tools to ensure the best patient outcomes

    - Manipulation: The adjustment

    - Mobilisation

    - Muscle release work: Trigger-point, pin and stretch

    - Fascial releases tools

    - Dry Needle Therapy

    - Vibration Gun

    - Yoga

    - Pilates

    - Exercises Therapy/ Rehabilitative specific exercises

  • We are the sum of our habits. How we move think and feel are for the most part a result of unconscious habits and learned behaviours we have formed from many different sources.

    - Our parents – Monkey see: monkey do- We unconsciously mimic those who we spend the most time with.

    - Repetitive movement patterns and activities from work

    - Repetitive movement patterns and activities from sport

    We work with you to identify the root cause of your pain. To recognize and change the beliefs, movement patterns, habits, and behaviors that are continuing to drive your pain cycle.